American soldiers NATO military exercises in Ukraine

Stock footage featuring American soldiers, in NATO military exercises in Ukraine. TVDATA.RU editing team digitized hours of Betacam SP tapes. Our Russian Stock Footage is available for licensing worldwide. You can license this footage for your future documentary or a drama film, any media project you have in mind. Here we present a collection of tapes featuring Russian Presidential Elections in 1996. Sea Breeze exercises were staged along the Black Sea coastal regions and involved air exercises (flight of us helicopter), naval drills, live firing at targets. Views of Ukrainian and American soldiers marching to the training range, etc.

CH-47 stock footage of Chinook Cargo Helicopter. The Chinook’s primary mission is moving artillery, ammunition, personnel, and supplies on the battlefield. It also performs rescue, MedEvac, parachuting, and aircraft recovery. NATO Ukraine military armed forces troops Soviet Union armed forces the United States US navy fleet marine naval manoeuvres exercises military exercises army force soldiers

Video Licensing Agreement TVDATA LTD 2022

Videos of Russian people protests against American soldiers NATO military exercises in Crimea, Ukraine.
NATO in Russian-speaking territories Related stock footage

We collect professional material from independent producers and are studious around Russia. Besides, we distribute selected clips, finished video production, completed documentaries or news stories. Therefore, we work with broadcasters from around the world. TVDATA team offers high-quality videos video production filmed by professional cameramen on High Definition cameras.  Mostly, archival and historical videotapes from Soviet Times come in Betacam SP format, Betacam Digital, HD or colour film tape. To begin with, please visit our preview YouTube channel here:

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