Russian financial crisis Hit Russia on 17 August 1998


By 1.08. 1998, there was nearly $12.5 billion in debt, unpaid to Russian workers.
Russian financial crisis Hit Russia on 17 August 1998
Russian financial crisis
Hit Russia on 17 August 1998

1998 Russian economic crisis Stock video, stock clips for worldwide licensing.

Russian Central Bank is diminishing the ruble and defaulting on its debt. But On 14.08. 1998, the exchange rate, the Russian rubble, to the US dollar, was nonetheless 6.29. Despite the bailout, July 1998, monthly interest payments on Russia’s debt rose to a figure 40 % greater than its monthly tax collections.

Video on Russian constitutional crisis.

  • The Russian financial crisis

1998 RUSSIAN ECONOMIC CRISIS STOCK VIDEO, Hit Russia on 17 August 1998

  • The Russian authority default
  • Central Bank devaluing the ruble and defaulting on its debt
  • The crisis had serious effects on the economies of nearby countries
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