Stock footage featuring Boris Yeltsin 1996 Presidential election in Russia. On July 3, 1996, during the second round of elections, Boris Yeltsin was elected President of the Russian Federation. For a second term, in the first round on June 16, he received 35.28% of the votes. Gennady Zyuganov got 32.03%. Later, in the second round, Boris Yeltsin received 53, 82% where Gennady Zyuganov less than fifty percent.

TVDATA.RU editing team digitized hours of Betacam SP tapes. Our Russian Stock Footage is available for licensing worldwide. You can license extracts of it for your future documentary or a drama film, any media project you have in mind. Here we peresent a collection of tapes featuring Russian Presidential Elections in 1996.
Boris Yeltsin 1996 Presidential election in Russia
Recently one of our YouTube Channel with various videos is suspended. Therefore, we published preview video clips from the video tape AR36 here.

We collect professional material from independent producers and are studious around Russia. Besides, we distribute selected clips, finished video production, completed documentaries or news stories. Therefore, we work with broadcasters from around the world. TVDATA team offers high-quality videos video production filmed by professional cameramen on High Definition cameras. Mostly, archival and historical video tapes from Soviet Times come in Betacam SP format , Betacam Digital, Divicam, MiniDivi or colour film tape. To begin with, please visit our preview you tube chanel here:
Please contact us to find the specific footage you need. Our stock footage covers almost everything: from videos of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, Russian military footage to oil exploration videos, and much more
OUR CLIENTS CONTACT US VIA EMAIL WITH THEIR RESEARCH REQUEST FOR RUSSIAN STOCK FOOTAGE. We are looking for news “b-roll” type footage for scenes where a character is watching news reports, and I hope you can help me locate some clips. Rights would be worldwide/entertainment/all media/theatrical/in perpetuity. We need current/recent “Russian mafia” footage.